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The hip Thrust, a well-designed commercial rated machine. Being plate loaded it’s suitable for all strength levels from the novice first time user to the Professional. The strong build insures it will go the distance with regular users and the economic footprint making it super compact to fit into most spaces.
Hip Thrust … unquestionable the most important exercise you are not doing if you are wanting to improve explosive power. It’s all about that hip flex! Improving your strength, speed and power by developing that booty is now consider crucial for most professional sports persons and the weekend warrior. Also the ideal exercise for a more rounded and toned butt. If your glutes are underdeveloped, explosive power is compromised. It’s all about that hip flex!
This unit is extremely durable to go the distance with regular users and super compact to fit into any space. Being a plate loaded machine, it has the ability to suit all sizes and abilities of lifters.